Nanotecture is a collection of small scale structures from across the world. Rebecca Roke has explored a number of miniature projects which share similar qualities. The projects are all occupied at an intimate scale but are divided into Micro, Mini, Midi, Macro and Maxi scales.
I found enjoyment in these brave interventions, the use of carefully considered materials, playful responses to site and the freedom of experimentation enveloped by each scheme. There are small-scaled works of architecture, art and design to explore.
MICRO scale : pg 28-29 |
Some of the works transform to fulfill more than one purpose, they are responsive to external conditions such as location or seasonal change. The scale of these pieces allows them to be more flexible with their uses.
MINI scale : pg 86-87 |
MIDI scale : pg 170-171 |
MACRO scale : pg 232-233 |
These interventions add another dimension to the experience of busy urban spaces, rural clearings and festivals. These small structures increase the interactivity between idle space and the general public.
MAXI scale : pg 276-277 |
A fun, celebration of inspiring and creative structures, there truly is something for everyone to appreciate. As an almost Architect I have always enjoyed small-scale design and I aspire to learn from these and hopefully gather ideas for my own research, even if the result is a little den in my garden! Rebecca Roke's Nanotecture is available to buy from Phaidon at 14.95, thanks for reading.