Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Mapping a beautiful Landscape - Chapel Down Winery

Chapel Down Vineyard, Tenterden 
By no means do I claim to be an expert on mapping, drawing landscapes or making beautiful things, however I do know we are all able to interpret information in a creative way! I enjoy crafting drawings by marrying together a mixture of different media, be it freehand, technical or more controlled techniques.   

A piece I created using fabric and ink, attempting to understand the textures
of a landscape, monoprint on coloured paper

During my 5th year I was asked to create a series of drawings to represent a Vineyard of my choice. The series of drawings I have produced show plot size, direction of the vines and the expanse of the site/ buildings (left to right in cover image). I have used a mixture of my Photoshop and printmaking skills in this series.

The Vines have an architectural quality about them,
they cut across the land like built walls.
Chapel Down Winery, Tenterden